
Conduit, a natural language 2 API interface

Translate speech and text into precise API requests, enabling programmatic control over any REST API using intuitive, human-like commands.


Transforming Natural Language into Actionable API Requests

Our AI prototype enables users to interact with any REST API through simple, intuitive language. By translating speech and text into precise API requests, our system bridges the gap between human intent and machine execution. This capability not only enhances user experience but also democratizes access to complex systems, empowering individuals without technical expertise to harness the full potential of APIs.

Our prototype leverages advanced natural language processing techniques to understand and interpret user commands. By parsing these commands, the model identifies the intended API action and constructs the corresponding request.

Training on Comprehensive API Documentation

The model is trained extensively on diverse API documentation, encompassing a wide range of endpoints and request types, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. This comprehensive training ensures that the AI understands the intricacies of different APIs, from authentication and parameter requirements to response formats and error handling.

By ingesting and learning from API documentation, the AI model acquires a deep understanding of the structure and function of various APIs. This knowledge allows it to generate accurate and efficient API requests based on user input.

Enabling Programmatic Control Over Any REST API

The practical applications of this technology are vast and varied. By enabling programmatic control over any REST API, this AI prototype opens new possibilities for automation and integration. Businesses can streamline operations by automating routine tasks, developers can accelerate their workflows, and end-users can interact with applications in more natural and intuitive ways. This capability is particularly powerful in the context of IoT devices, smart homes, and enterprise software systems.